Peace Starts By Turning Toward God

Peace Starts By Turning Toward God

Peace Starts By Turning Toward God

“I just want some peace,” is a common phrase we hear from clients at Exponent Group. The reality is that our world is a chaotic place. It can be difficult to find peace in the midst of the chaos. But God’s promise is that He will give us peace when we seek Him. Peace is possible, but it requires intentionality.

One practical way to begin to cultivate peace in your day is the simple practice of taking a breath. Begin by setting aside a time (or a couple of times) to intentionally pause and breathe. You can even do this by setting an alarm on your phone at different times throughout the day. As you pause to breathe, allow your attention to turn to God - you can do this by repeating a simple prayer like: “Jesus have mercy on me” or “God be with me” or even recite a simple bible verse. 

When we intentionally pause to breathe, it creates space for us to simply turn our attention back to God, the source of peace, allowing Him to meet us right where we are. 

At Exponent Group, we provide digital resources, coaching and customized consulting to help faith-driven workers integrate their faith more fully into all aspects of their lives. As a team with decades of field-tested experience, our passion is helping you more fully integrate faith, life, and work so you see the spiritual impact you desire. Connect with us at to learn how we can help you experience daily peace.

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